Clash of the Tinytans
John Donne says: 'No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main'. While I agree that we all share more with each other than being an island would afford us, we are isolated, but we are not isolated only to one piece. I believe that each one of us is in fact an archipelago, many small worlds that make up a life, all islands accessible only to creatures that can fly. If we can learn to fly, between the islands that make up experience, we can become whole. I was born in October, and my birth stone is the opal—a stone that looks like a birds eye view of a bright archipelago.
I relish the half moments—the views before and after the main events. You cannot forget a moment, what is so easily forgotten is everything in between. This is why I love the haziness of film photography, as it mimics the fuzzy in-betweens, without which there would be no moments at all.