The heat of your attention formed cracks in my being,
and by these cracks, the glowing warmth of your presence crept in.
As if from the inside out, I melted.
Each drop a fraction of my crystallised existence
seeping from the wound of your affection,
Hanging on your every word, until you shook it with some relentless force.
Our breath combined to form pools of fruitful conversation,
emerging into the antithesis of my preconceptions,
moving and changing shape at a whisper.
Streaming into chasms of my imagination, not yet explored by any other,
your intrigue inundates my senses,
until neither sentiment nor contemplation is left unearthed, unquestioned.
As I stare at my reflection in the glimmer of your joyful eyes,
all that you commend of me blossoms into a smile,
a contour my courage had forgotten.
And my insecurities grow frail, weakened by your humanity.
Perplexed by your compassion, I forget to suffer,
while you stand before me: a beacon of prospect.
- October 2009 ©